Infinite Devices implements the Saxony-Anhalt Cloud

The digital age is creating new business models that all companies that want to play at the forefront must use. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) open up new potential for all companies: Infinimesh is the first cloud-native, scalable open source AIoT platform in Germany and organizes the control, administration and evaluation of IoT devices and sensors. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) enable effective increase in competitiveness.

The big data revolution opens up tremendous growth opportunities. Therefore: democratize big data! Infinimesh organizes the control, management and evaluation of IoT devices and sensors and runs within the framework of Kubernetes: an open source system for automating the deployment, scaling and management of container applications. The cloud does the management itself in the background. You don’t need developers – Kubernetes scales automatically. Infinimesh is the first cloud-native, scalable IoT platform that guarantees 100% GDPR compliance for Wayang: the AI-based, modern hybrid system was developed by world-leading data scientists.

In October 2021 we were awarded the contract to implement the Open Source Cloud Sachsen-Anhalt (OSST Cloud) on the software side. Democratizing Big Data and Collaboration as a Service: In the future, everyone will have a Big Data Lake of their own IoT data. This requires platform concepts to give the term data ownership a meaningful and emancipatory helping hand. Only those who have sovereignty over their data can generate added value. The new platform for startups is fundamentally important for developing common IoT infrastructures and creating collaborative benefits from different verticals. For Saxony-Anhalt, the OSST cloud is an innovative laboratory for new key technologies: The main focus is on transparency and fir sovereignty of all actors as well as the support of different protection, release and access levels at data level. The entire system is hosted in Saxony-Anhalt and must meet strict data protection criteria for users and users. A complex rights and role management determines the use of shared data lakes. The optimization of parameters via crowdsourcing of measured values for joint maintenance and generation of data sets under a “fair use” and “sharing is caring” rule. Open source, security and privacy by design are basic requirements for users to be implemented. The emancipatory approach is important to realize big data for startups and to enable the creation and sharing of common data sets.

A uniform dashboard ensures the registration of devices, which are encrypted in principle – a clearly defined use case makes the functionality comprehensible. The users provide the sensor data via NB-IoT, Lora-Wan, GSM and WLAN gateways. Extensive documentation and FAQs enable low-threshold adaptation for startups, founders and the maker scene. Infinite Devices has already installed the SmartCountr smart facility management system in two swimming pools and the Sparkasse Eisdom in Halle. The system offers endless potential for many possible applications in all sectors: Every company, whether small or large, can optimize processes and get new insights